"Talking At The Diner" Podcast Ep. 31 ft. Katie Hackett 

I met up with Katie Hackett at a south Philly vegan diner called The Tasty. Katie is the driving force behind The Lunar Year, an art rock project that serves as an umbrella for a very broad spectrum of sounds and styles. Since its inception in 2017, the band has gone from dreamy piano-based songs to to guitar-based ferocity, which can include everything from beautiful melodic moments to onstage poetry readings to envelope-pushing sonic storms of feedback depending on the mood of the band.

In my conversation with Katie, I found her to be interesting and introspective, a musician whose unique journey as an artist really captivated me. As yet another member of the Philly music community who successfully balances her creative life with the challenges of the music business and simply surviving in the world, Katie is definitely a voice to be reckoned with.

In addition to being the driving force behind the Lunar Year, Katie is also a co-creator of the Sweet Juice Fest - a now annual all-day music - art - and food experience entering its third year. I had the opportunity to attend last year’s Sweet Juice and it was - for me - honestly one of the best shows and best days of 2023.
I left The Tasty feeling inspired and excited about what’s to come for all Katie’s endeavors in 2024 and beyond. I hope you enjoy our conversation.

~JKF ❤

You can follow The Lunar Year on IG @thelunaryearofficial and you can also check out the website for Sweet Juice Fest at sweetjuicefest.com